Martine Van Puyvelde

Martine Van Puyvelde, Mmus, Mpsy, PhD, received a master degree in Music from the Royal Conservatory in Brussels in 1998 (cum laude), a master degree in Clinical Psychology from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel in 2009 (summa cum laude) and a PhD in Clinical Psychology in 2014. She was awarded with the “Janine Seghers award 2010” for her Master dissertation.
Besides her research work with parents and infants on human vocal ontogeny and the development of human physiological maturation processes of self-regulation, she is studying human performance optimization and stress management in adults. She has received experience in observation and experimental psychophysiological research in infants, children and adults (i.e., heart rate variability, EEG).
Currently, she is working as an academic researcher at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (research group IDNS) and the Royal Military Academy (research group VIPER). Besides this, she is a licensed relation- and family therapist (BVRGS).