

List of publications

A. Cortoos, E. De Valck, N. Pattyn, O. Mairesse, and R. Cluydts. "Excitatory versus inhibitory impairments in insomnia patients: An ERP study". International journal of psychophysiology : official journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology, March 2013.

O. Mairesse, E. De Valck, S. Quanten, D. Neu, A. Cortoos, N. Pattyn, P. Theuns, R. Cluydts, and J. Hofmans. "Sleepiness phenomics: Modeling individual differences in subjective sleepiness profiles". International journal of psychophysiology : official journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology, April 2013.

O. Mairesse, D. Neu, P. F. Migeotte, N. Pattyn, J. Hofmans, P. Theuns, R. Cluydts, and E. De Valck. "Judgment of daytime sleepiness in self-reported short, long and midrange sleepers". Psicológica: International Journal of Methodology and Experimental Psychology, 33:609-630, 2012.

J. Wuyts, E. De Valck, M. Vandekerckhove, N. Pattyn, A. Bulckaert, D. Berckmans, B. Haex, J. Verbraecken, and R. Cluydts. "The influence of pre-sleep cognitive arousal on sleep onset processes". International Journal of Psychophysiology, 83(1):8-15, January 2012.

J. Wuyts, E. De Valck, M. Vandekerckhove, N. Pattyn, V. Exadaktylos, B. Haex, J. Maes, J. Verbraecken, and R. Cluydts. "Effects of pre-sleep simulated on-call instructions on subsequent sleep". Biological psychology, 91(3):383-388, September 2012.

O. Mairesse, D. Neu, N. Pattyn, and R. Cluydts. "Measurement of sleep propensity with the Epworth Sleepiness Scale is not invariant to work schedules". Sleep Medicine, 12, Suppl.:S81, 2011.